Monday, September 8, 2008

India running out of coal

A dark age is triggered by what is known as a Malthusian Catastrophe. In the past this has always described a situation where there is more people than there is food to support them. But the theory works as well for any resource that we depend upon for survival. The Malthusian catastrophe that will trigger the New Dark Age won't be about food this time, it will be about fossil fuels. Once demand starts to exceed supply, modern society will start to crumble as the infrastructure which depends so much on fossil fuels to exist begins to fail.

Today in the Business Standard, there is an article about how India's coal reserves will run out by 2040.

Also an article at, another blog, highlights just how expensive fuel still is. This of course is a possible indication of demand for oil exceeding the capacity of the oil industry, a situation known as "Peak Oil"

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